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Referring Offices

Group of doctors

Working in close partnership with our referring doctors is an important aspect of the care we provide. We value each and every referral and take great pride in providing a warm, comfortable and technologically advanced environment. Our friendly staff is here to assist you when you need us. Please contact us today so we can provide the great treatment your patients deserve.

Online Referral Form

You may refer patients to our office by filling out our secure online Referral Form. After you have completed the form, please make sure to press the Complete and Send button at the bottom to automatically send us your information. The security and privacy of patient data is one of our primary concerns and we have taken every precaution to protect it.

Looking for an oral surgeon in Maine? Contact our PORTLAND, WINDHAM, or BIDDEFORD offices today!


3 Convenient locations

Portland office outside photo

Southern Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Portland

Office Information
Windham location

Southern Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Windham

Office Information
Biddeford Office

Southern Maine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Biddeford

Office Information